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AAWB的中文翻译是什么 --> AAWB的中文翻译是什么


AAWB的读音为 /ˈeɪ.wəb/




AAWB的中文翻译是“美国动物保护协会”(American Association of Wildlife Bureaus)。

网络释义:美国动物保护协会(American Association of Wildlife Bureaus)是美国野生动物管理方面的协会,成立于1961年。该协会致力于野生动物保护、管理和研究,并与政府、学术界和社区合作,推动野生动物保护和可持续利用。


1. The AAWB works to protect and conserve wildlife in the United States. (AAWB致力于保护和保育美国的野生动物。)

2. As a member of AAWB, I am actively involved in wildlife conservation projects. (作为AAWB的成员,我积极参与野生动物保护项目。)

3. The AAWB conducts research on wildlife populations and habitats. (AAWB对野生动物种群和栖息地进行研究。)

4. AAWB advocates for policies that promote sustainable wildlife management. (AAWB倡导促进可持续野生动物管理的政策。)

5. The AAWB collaborates with government agencies to enforce wildlife protection laws. (AAWB与政府机构合作,执行野生动物保护法律。)


1. AAWB member(AAWB成员)

例句:John is a dedicated AAWB member who actively participates in wildlife conservation efforts.(约翰是一个热心的AAWB会员,积极参与野生动物保护工作。)

2. AAWB conference(AAWB会议)

例句:The AAWB conference brings together experts and professionals in the field of wildlife management.(AAWB会议汇集了野生动物管理领域的专家和专业人士。)

3. AAWB research(AAWB研究)

例句:The AAWB research focuses on understanding the behavior and habitat requirements of endangered species.(AAWB的研究重点是了解濒危物种的行为和栖息地需求。)

4. AAWB partnership(AAWB合作伙伴关系)

例句:The AAWB has formed partnerships with local communities to promote wildlife conservation initiatives.(AAWB与当地社区建立了合作伙伴关系,推动野生动物保护倡议。)

5. AAWB initiative(AAWB倡议)

例句:The AAWB initiative aims to reduce human-wildlife conflicts through education and outreach programs.(AAWB的倡议旨在通过教育和外展项目减少人与野生动物之间的冲突。)
