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AGM [ˌeɪdʒiːˈem]






1. Annual General Meeting (AGM) - a mandatory yearly meeting of shareholders to discuss company affairs and elect directors.

2. Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) - a type of battery design that uses a fiberglass mat to hold the electrolyte in place.


1. The company's AGM will be held next week to discuss the financial results for the past year.(公司的年度股东大会将于下周举行,讨论过去一年的财务报告。)

2. The AGM approved the proposed merger with another company.(年度股东大会批准了与另一家公司的合并提议。)

3. The AGM was attended by hundreds of shareholders from around the world.(来自世界各地的数百名股东参加了年度股东大会。)

4. The CEO gave a presentation at the AGM outlining the company's future plans.(首席执行官在年度股东大会上发表了一份概述公司未来计划的演讲。)

5. Shareholders have the opportunity to ask questions and raise concerns at the AGM.(股东在年度股东大会上有机会提问和提出关注的问题。)


1. call an AGM(召开年度股东大会)

例句:The board of directors decided to call an AGM to discuss the proposed changes to the company's bylaws.(董事会决定召开年度股东大会,讨论公司章程的拟议修改。)

2. AGM resolution(股东大会决议)

例句:The AGM passed a resolution to increase the company's authorized share capital.(股东大会通过了一项决议,批准增加公司的授权股本。)

3. AGM agenda(股东大会议程)

例句:The AGM agenda includes a discussion on the company's financial performance and the election of new board members.(股东大会议程包括讨论公司的财务业绩和选举新的董事会成员。)

4. attend an AGM(参加年度股东大会)

例句:Shareholders are encouraged to attend the AGM and voice their opinions on important matters.(鼓励股东参加年度股东大会,并就重要事项发表意见。)

5. AGM minutes(股东大会会议纪要)

例句:The AGM minutes will be circulated to all shareholders for their review and approval.(股东大会会议纪要将分发给所有股东进行审阅和批准。)
