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APCA [ˈap kə]




中文翻译:亚太商品协会(Asia Pacific Commodity Association)

网络释义:亚太商品协会(Asia Pacific Commodity Association)是亚太地区的商品贸易协会,致力于推动亚太地区的贸易和经济发展。


1. The APCA meeting was held in Singapore last month.


2. APCA plays a crucial role in promoting regional trade and economic development.


3. The APCA conference attracted delegates from over 20 countries.


4. The APCA report highlighted the challenges faced by the commodity industry in the Asia Pacific region.


5. APCA works closely with governments and industry stakeholders to promote trade and investment in the region.



1. APCA membership


例句:Companies that want to join APCA need to meet certain criteria.


2. APCA conference


例句:The APCA conference provides a platform for industry professionals to exchange ideas and discuss challenges.


3. APCA report


例句:The APCA report analyzes the trends and outlook of the commodity market in the Asia Pacific region.


4. APCA meeting


例句:The APCA meeting is an opportunity for members to discuss issues and make decisions.


5. APCA partnership


例句:APCA has formed partnerships with other regional organizations to promote trade and investment.

