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ACM的读音是 /ˌeɪ.siːˈem/。



  1. n.(名词):美国计算机学会(Association for Computing Machinery)
  2. abbr.(缩写词):周期信号的幅度调制(Amplitude Modulation of Continuous Wave)
  3. abbr.(缩写词):算法竞赛(Algorithmic Contest Marathon)


ACM是美国计算机学会(Association for Computing Machinery)的缩写,是全球最大的科学与教育计算机学会之一。该学会致力于促进计算机科学和信息技术的发展,并为相关领域的专业人士提供支持和资源。


  1. The ACM conference on artificial intelligence will be held next month. (关于人工智能的ACM会议将于下个月举行。)
  2. She won the first prize in the ACM coding competition. (她在ACM编程竞赛中获得了一等奖。)
  3. I'm planning to submit my research paper to the ACM journal. (我计划将我的研究论文投稿给ACM期刊。)
  4. The ACM website provides a wide range of resources for computer scientists. (ACM的网站为计算机科学家提供了丰富的资源。)
  5. He is a member of ACM and attends their annual conferences regularly. (他是ACM的会员,并定期参加他们的年会。)


  1. ACM competition(算法竞赛)
  2. He participated in the ACM competition and ranked in the top 10. (他参加了ACM算法竞赛并获得了前十名。)

  3. ACM journal(ACM期刊)
  4. His research paper was published in the ACM journal last month. (他的研究论文上个月发表在了ACM期刊上。)

  5. ACM conference(ACM会议)
  6. The ACM conference on computer graphics attracted participants from around the world. (ACM计算机图形学会议吸引了来自世界各地的参与者。)

  7. ACM membership(ACM会员资格)
  8. She obtained her ACM membership after passing the certification exam. (她通过了认证考试后获得了ACM会员资格。)

  9. ACM resources(ACM资源)
  10. The ACM website provides a wealth of resources for computer science students. (ACM的网站为计算机科学学生提供了丰富的资源。)
